Ads and Subtracts

I’ve used the Firefox web browser for quite a while, and I literally haven’t seen an internet ad in years, thanks to the AdBlock extension. But recently Google released the Chrome browser, and I thought I’d give it a try. It doesn’t have ad blocking yet, but I figured it can’t be that bad since more than 70% of people are still using Internet Explorer, ads and all. The ads are kind of fun to play with actually. Especially the interactive ones.  But my productivity went down to zero as I found myself just fiddling with the ads and blocking out the rest of the website.

Oh bother

  • My website ranks higher in a google search for “josh mayer” or “josh meir” than it does for the correct spelling of my name, “josh meyer”
  • I’ve been working hard to get people to visit this website which doesn’t sell anything and ultimately has no purpose
  • Exactly 55.79% of the visitors to this website are from France and probably can’t read it anyway
  • The most searched for phrase on this site is “search this site” which is the default text in the search box
  • My wife laughs harder when she reads my blog posts that weren’t meant to be funny
  • This blog has been nominated for worst blog of all time.
  • Approximately 0.000003% of all internet users visit my website, according to

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I hear that you got married. Congratulations. Any news yet?
A: No. Come back in two or three or eight years.

Q: So, how’s married life?
A: Beyond words.

Q: Would you have some time to work on this project for me?
A: Of course. What year would you like it done by?

Q: Why did you shave your head?
A: Just to shave my head.

Q: Why isn’t the internet working?
A: That online game you keep playing finally crashed the internet and it’s all gone now because of you.

Shirley you can’t be serious!

I came across this website that scans your face and uses facial recognition to compare your face to those of celebrities. So I, being the curious type, decided to try it out. I tried using a couple of my pictures, and it showed me quite a variety of results. It likened my face to a bunch of weird looking people, most of which I’ve never heard of before and look nothing like me. Among them were Brendan Fraser, Michael J. Fox, and one that sort of took me by surprise…

Shirley look-alike

Yes, that’s right. As of today, I officially look like Shirley Temple.