Stop Joshing

I recently met a kid whose name was Josh, and his dad was like, “Look, Josh, his name is Josh too!” The other day I met this guy and he was like, “Wow, you’re the third Josh I’ve met today. That’s so funny!” Get over it people! When you’re 6 it’s fun to find out that there’s another Josh in the world, but now it’s just not funny anymore. I dare you to walk into any business and ask to speak to Josh. It’s up to you what you say when they ask, “Which one?”

Majority Report

Number of Josh's Born

Good news for all the Josh’s in the world (a.k.a. almost everyone). The rate at which parents are punishing their kids by naming them Josh is declining. This could mean one of two things. Either people are getting more creative when they’re naming their kids, or Josh’s have just made a bad impression on the world.

Oh bother

  • My website ranks higher in a google search for “josh mayer” or “josh meir” than it does for the correct spelling of my name, “josh meyer”
  • I’ve been working hard to get people to visit this website which doesn’t sell anything and ultimately has no purpose
  • Exactly 55.79% of the visitors to this website are from France and probably can’t read it anyway
  • The most searched for phrase on this site is “search this site” which is the default text in the search box
  • My wife laughs harder when she reads my blog posts that weren’t meant to be funny
  • This blog has been nominated for worst blog of all time.
  • Approximately 0.000003% of all internet users visit my website, according to

More reasons to change my name

The heating guy from Trane won’t stop calling me Jason.

I received a package addressed to Josh Meir.

My fiance has a way cooler last name than I do.

According to there are 653,932 Joshua’s and 314 Joshua Meyer’s in the US.

According to Google there are at least three Joshua Daniel Meyer’s. One is me, one is a todler, and another one, who happens to be the same age as me, is chillin in a correctional facility. I think I finally found my long lost evil twin brother.

Hi, my name is [insert obscure name here]

Despite having the easiest name in the universe to remember, people are always getting my name screwed up. I just don’t understand how Josh can be confused with Justin, Jeffrey, and even Jennifer. Well I suppose cuz they’re my siblings and we all start with J, but Josh’s make up like 70 percent of the population. You can’t really go wrong calling somebody Josh, so why call somebody anything else? I didn’t even know that the heating guy from Trane knew my name, but apparently he doesn’t because he calls me Jason. And that’s definitely not the first time I’ve been called Jason. I just may change my name to Jason to make everybody right. Or maybe I should just delete my name so I answer to everything.

Had enough of myself

I was looking today at the website of a graphic designer named Josh Meyer. The more I think about it, the more I realize that my name is…well less than unique, to say the least. This isn’t the first time I’ve realized it, of course. In fact, I’ve become so used to hearing the name Josh, that I don’t even look anymore when I hear my name called. I did a search for Joshua at the Social Security Administration website and it came up third for the most popular male name. That’s just rediculous if you ask me.

The thought of changing my name entered my mind. Perhaps to some totally random mess, like maybe Sankunsensei. It turns up zero results on google. The only problem with that, though, is that noboby would spell it right. That’s the only good thing about being a Josh; it’s never spelled wrong. It’s not worth it though…